Michael on Media
Michael Rosenblum has been writing about the media since 1988. His work and ideas have appeared in The Guardian, The Huffington Post, Ilkeston Life and many other publications.
He has been blogging regularly for the past 35 years on this subject. Having taught media studies at Columbia University, NYU and now the University of Oxford, he is considered an expert on this subject.
TV Sucks – Part IV
Oatmeal at 11 If you work in a newsroom as a reporter, you know that the most exciting moment is when you come back from a big story, enter the newsroom and turn to your colleagues and say ”...
Read moreWe The People….
The average American watches 4.2 hours of TV a day. That makes television the number one American passtime, far surpassing sports, work, reading, school… in fact, just about everything but sleep. Americans spend more time watching television than anything...
Read moreComrade Couric – The People’s Choice
Is TV News the last vestige of the Soviet Union? Think about it. In the Soviet Union there was no choice. One brand of toothpaste. One kind of car. One kind of phone. Take it or leave it. When...
Read moreOne Degree-itis
SOME ADVICE FROM A GIANT My mentor in this business was Fred Friendly. He was Edward R. Murrow’s producer, the former President of CBS News, and a moose of a man. He resigned from his postion as President of...
Read moreA Trip Into Hell
Yesterday, I descended into the jaws of Hell… or at least it looked that way. I went down a long series of rickety, narrow metal stairs to a massive construction site under what used to be The World Trade...
Read moreResponding to TVjobs.com
The website tvjobs.com just ran a piece by Randy Tatano, in which he talks about the one time he picked up a camera in a newsroom and ended up shooting his feet. His advice to an aspiring young journalist...
Read morePublic Broadcasting Speech
Here’s a link (if you’ve got time) to a video of the keynote speech I gave in Boston last week at the public broadcasting conference. (Video courtesy PBS). http://www.integratedmedia.org/nav.cfm?cat=14&subcat=123&subsub=0
Read moreWhy TV News Sucks, Pt. 3
A TRAGIC WASTE OF MONEY AT CBS NEWS Yesterday’s New York Times had an 8-page, four color insert all about how great The New York Times was. It extolled their great reporting from all over the world. The back...
Read moreWhat Is News Worth?
FROM PIGEONS TO ONLINE PROFITS In 1815, Napoleon had just escaped from Elba. (Trust me, this is worth sticking with) After decades of warfare, Europe thought they had banished the French corporal forever, only to discover that he had...
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