Michael on Media
Michael Rosenblum has been writing about the media since 1988. His work and ideas have appeared in The Guardian, The Huffington Post, Ilkeston Life and many other publications.
He has been blogging regularly for the past 35 years on this subject. Having taught media studies at Columbia University, NYU and now the University of Oxford, he is considered an expert on this subject.
Why Documentaries Are So Terrible
Last night, Lisa and I watched a documentary on a British online network called Acorn, about the Orient Express. We were particularly interested, as we had actually taken the Orient Express from London to Venice earlier this year. The trip was...
Read moreQuick Tips to Produce Better Videos
Everyone wants to make better videos. Everyone wants their work to jump off the screen and look as cinematic as possible. While there’s no shortcut around learning how to shoot, edit and tell stories well in video, there are...
Read moreiPhone Video Is More Powerful Than The Sword
Generals always end up fighting the last war. In the First World War, the British were intent on the gallantry of the galloping lancers. That proved to be of not much value when gallantly galloping into machine guns. Likewise,...
Read moreEquipment: VeeR Editor App
The VeeR Editor app is an amazingly simple 360-degree video editing app for iOS and Android that simplifies 260 editing for those working in the format. VR and 360 video have become the latest frontier in video exciting producers...
Read moreEquipment: Rylo VR 360-Degree Camera
The Rylo 360-Degree Camera is a new VR camera developed by a team of former Apple, Instagram and Hyperlapse engineers and is one of the smallest, most powerful, easy to use, and cost effective 360 camera on the market....
Read moreWhat Gizmodo Gets Wrong About iPhone Video
This week, Gizmodo published an article highlighting 4 situations in which using a traditional video camera or DSLR “smokes” using a smartphone. While it is (mostly) true that there are some situations in which you are (slightly) better off using a dedicated camera, their...
Read moreToday Is The 500th Anniversary of Martin Luther’s 95 Theses
Five hundred years ago today, Martin Luther, an unknown monk in an insignificant village in Germany posted his 95 Theses, his complaints against the Pope and the Church on the door of the Cathedral at Wittenberg. Had Luther only...
Read moreGeoffrey Roth – Television Revolutionary
Geoffrey Roth may not look the part of a radical television revolutionary, a pioneer in an industry filled with nervous executives, but trust me, he is. I first met Geoffrey Roth face to face at MoJoCon in Ireland last year....
Read moreGo Live with Another Person on Instagram
Instagram announced last week that the app now supports going live with another user on the same stream. At the base level this new feature is basically a broadcasted video chat, it has major implications for media and the...
Read moreThe Man Who Mistook His Eye For A Camera
There has been a lot of talk of late about the arrival of the Singularity, the moment when human and computer merge. This does not come (if it comes) in one moment, but rather in small and incremental steps....
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