Michael on Media
Michael Rosenblum has been writing about the media since 1988. His work and ideas have appeared in The Guardian, The Huffington Post, Ilkeston Life and many other publications.
He has been blogging regularly for the past 35 years on this subject. Having taught media studies at Columbia University, NYU and now the University of Oxford, he is considered an expert on this subject.
Media Ecology
Take what you want….it’s free… There is a certain irony in Thomas Friedman’s New York Times column yesterday. Friedman was writing about Costa Rica’s new Minister for the Environment, who is also responsible for energy, mining and so on....
Read moreThe Bill Gates Solution
Criminal Behavior? In 1976, the Homebrew Computer Club was the nexus of software development in the Seattle area. Homebrew was the home of software enthusiasts Bill Gates and Steve Wozniak, among others. The theme of Homebrew was ‘give help...
Read moreHouse Swap
Just like the East River… sort of… About a year ago, I registered with an outfit called HomeExchange.com. You register your house and then you can swap it with someone else, who lives somewhere you want to go. Well,...
Read moreThinking Inside the Box
It was there in front of us all along As newspapers desperately grapple to save themselves, their salvation (and the salvation of local TV news as well ) may right in front of them. Newspapers are machines for gathering...
Read moreHow Sweet It Is
Mel Taylor, Mark Potts and me in Hershey, Pa. Many years, ago, when I was a kid at camp, we used to take a field trip to the Hershey Chocolate Factory in Hershey, Pennsylvania. To this day I can...
Read moreThe End of the Beginning
Even more powerful than Rupert Murdoch… The closing of the 150-year old Rocky Mountain News was certainly a troubling harbinger of where print is headed. Now word is out that The New York Times is threatening to close The...
Read moreUSA TODAY @ TCA
Picture this… Yes, at long last Travel Channel Academy is about to get the recognition that we so richly deserve! The lovely people from USA TODAY are here doing a feature on us. Travel Channel President and GM Pat...
Read moreA Sure Thing
Place your bets Our friend Pat Younge was over for dinner last night. He’s the President and CEO of The Travel Channel, and besides being a friend is our business partner. Now, the thing I really like about Pat,...
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