The Canon of Journalism
Here is my latest Bull on Journalism… The Missouri School of Journalism yesterday issued a press release entitled ” Citizen Journalism vs. Legacy News: The Battle for News Supremacy I like this ‘battle’ notion because it plays right into...
Read moreHow We’re Going to Work
OK. You’ll be working right here for the next 40 years… Last week, on the heels of reading The Most Powerful Idea in the World by William Rosen, I paid a visit to Richard Arkwright’s first factory in Derbyshire,...
Read moreThe Shape of Things To Come
[youtube][/youtube] and a little child shall lead them… The video above was sent to me yesterday by Pat Younge, Chief Creative Officer at The BBC. It wasn’t done by anyone at The BBC. It was done by Pat’s 14-year...
Read moreWhat’s Wrong With Journalism
Secretive and unhelpful. But scientist in Climategate storm STILL gets his job back VS. Climategate scientists cleared of manipulating data on global warming Same story Two different headlines. In fact, two totally different stories. The first headline is from...
Read moreBBC Approves Canon XF300
Professional just got a whole lot less expensive Many thanks to Kevin Johnson at for this update The BBC, the premier quality broadcaster in the world just released its new production guidelines for 2010. Among the many requirements...
Read moreEntrepreneurial Journalism -How To Make It Work
You can have one of these…if you want it… Yesterday we responded to Ken Kobre’s question about whether a journalist has to be an entrepreneur in the future. This in response to Adam Westbrook‘s new book. Ken, (being in...
Read moreEntrepreneurial we even have to ask?
hung over, crap car, crap apartment… and this is a role model? Ken Kobre, who I admire a lot, is asking the question on his blog: ‘Now you have to be an entrepreneur too’ Kobre’s question is derivative of...
Read moreAn Interesting (and short) History of LCD Screens
It took two hands to tell the time Sitting at home today watching the World Cup on a 54″ high def flat screen monitor that hangs on the wall in my living room, and writing on an Apple laptop...
Read moreHow To ‘Write’ A Script without ‘Writing’
[vimeo][/vimeo] Nothing is crazier, or more destructive, to the filmmaking and video process than the idea that you acquire in video, then translate that video to ‘text’ – log notes, transcripts, timecode notes, a written script, then you translate...
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