What Is Real?
[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=clnozSXyF4k[/youtube] Our good friend Pat Younge, former head of The Travel Channel and now Chief Creative Officer at The BBC was our houseguest for the past two days. Pat is always interesting, and he showed us the clip above...
Read moreWe Launch Guardian Media Academy
After more than a year of negotiations, we are delighted to announce the launch of The Guardian Media Academy. We have partnered with The Guardian, one of the most prestigious media organizations in the world to offer a series...
Read moreModern Journalism?
Modern art – Bathers by a river by Henri Matisse 1910 Yesterday we went to see the new Matisse exhibit at the Museum of Modern Art in NY. (As we live on top of the museum, this was not...
Read moreMy iPhone4 So Far….
So far, so good… I have been a lifetime proponent of Apple products. I was editing on Final Cut 1.2 for air. I still have an eMac downstairs.. somewhere. And through the various Academy projects, we own about 60...
Read moreThe Law and Shooting in Public Places
credit: Marc Vallee, photojournalist. The explosion of digital cameras in the hands of ‘amateurs’, particularly since the advent of HD video in cell phones has caused a lot of changes, and a lot of consternation – particularly among law...
Read more16 Year in Prison for Posting This Video
[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G7PC9cZEWCQ&NR=1[/youtube] OK. Watch the video above. It was shot by Anthony Graber using a helmet cam while he rode on his motorcycle. Nothing happens for the first 3 minutes, but stick with it. With about :15 to go, you’ll...
Read moreThe Very Strange World of The New York Times
hello Bob? Hello? Are you there? Hello Bob? OK So on Sunday I read Bob Herbert’s column in The New York Times, and I posted a response. It was the normal, predictable kvetch about how people on blackberries and...
Read moreThe Game Changer
Cut. Print it. We are driven by our tools much more than we like to think we are. We like to think that we use the tools. In reality, it is the tools that shape us. Bob Herbert ran...
Read moreRadio Free Europe in Prague
Addressing the Directors of RFE/RL This week we are in Prague, running an intensive video bootcamp for the journalists at Radio Free Europe/ Radio Liberty. This is the third year we have come here to run bootcamps, and the...
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