The Agony and the Video
[vimeo][/vimeo] Unwatchable… I have to admit I was initially intrigued by a video series about storytelling posted by Henry Jenkins. Kurt Reinhardt, who produced this series, apparently, has indeed gathered some really smart people to talk about Storytelling, among...
Read moreWhen In Rome…
Pick up the white man’s burden… Today’s lesson is ‘old habit die hard’. This afternoon I had lunch with my old friend Peter Klein, who I have not seen in years. Peter was a producer for 60 Minutes, and...
Read moreIs Natalie Tran for Real?
Prof. Michael Hawley, Renaissance man Everyone once in a while one of your friends says, ‘you have to talk to this guy’. Your normal response is… uh.. sure.. fine. So when Mark Bittman said, ‘you have to talk to...
Read moreMen Who Hate Women
The original.. at least in France… I am still doing my morning runs (up to 6 miles today), and I am still listening to the books on tape version of The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo by Stieg Larsson....
Read moreThe Girl With The Dragon Tattoo
Now a book, a film and books on tape… I am spending the month of August in a house on Exuma, one of the Bahama Out Islands. Let’s say it makes The Hamptons look like Staten Island. I have...
Read moreToward A New Architecture For Media
The experience of Current TV taught me two things: There were literally millions of people who were ready to contribute content of all kinds in video 99% of it was junk. It was junk because no one had ever...
Read moreIntellectual Bankruptcy for Journalism Schools
RIPNYT There was a curious juxtaposition of stories in this morning’s news: Mark C. Taylor, former chairman of the humanities department at Williams College (my Alma Mater), and currently chairman of the department of religion at Columbia University wrote...
Read moreSpindletop
It’s a gusher! On January 10, 1901, the world changed forever. Captain Anthony F. Lucas was trying his luck drilling for oil in east Texas. The landscape was hot and dry, dotted with salt domes, the remnant from some...
Read moreThe Transcendant Power of Images
Ernest Bujok – ink on paper – silkscreen When I graduated from Williams College, I was fortunate enough to receive a Thomas Watson Foundation Fellowship. That grant allowed me to spend the next three years traveling around the world...
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