YouTube Pours $20 Million Into ‘Educational Videos’
It’s not secret that web based content companies are under fire. Facebook has been dragged over the coals of late, including a move by some major investors to replace founder and Chairman Mark Zuckerberg. That’s serious stuff. Others are talking...
Read moreAdobe Releases New Smartphone Editing App: Project Rush
Adobe has released a new much-anticipated editing app for smartphones called Rush CC. The new app is basically a mobile version of Adobe’s Premiere Pro CC. Think of it as the iMovie for iOS to Final Cut (or iMovie)....
Read moreUsing Modern Media For The Common Good
Video is an incredibly powerful medium. It can hold your attention in ways that print simply cannot. It can move you emotionally. It can educate you. It can change the way your think. We are a society that is...
Read moreConquering Your Fear of Editing
Having spent 30 years working in television, one thing I can say for certain is when it comes to shooting, storytelling and editing video it’s the editing part that usually gets in the way. For most people picking up a camera and filming video...
Read moreHow To Start And Run Your Own TV Channel
If you have ever seen the movie Dunkirk, directed by Christopher Nolan (2017), or perhaps more esoterically, if you are a bit older, the film Mrs. Miniver, directed by William Wyler (1942), you’ll know the story of the miraculous...
Read moreTelevision – The World’s Most Wasteful Industry?
We have just completed three weeks of Video Bootcamp in Los Angeles with the soon to be launched SoCal1, the LA equivalent of NY1, but in Los Angeles. I am looking forward to a truly incredible new concept in...
Read moreInventing A New Kind Of Local News in Los Angeles
Television news in general, and local news in particular has remained pretty much static for the past 50 years or so. Take a look at early broadcasts of Walter Cronkite and The CBS Evening News and it is not...
Read moreNow We Are ALL Filmmakers
Take a good look at the image above. This is a screen grab from my Instagram App. This is where I hit the ‘search’ icon, just to see what pops up. What pops up, over and over and over...
Read moreThe Pope, Brooklyn & The Rule of Unintended Consequences
The problem with new technologies is you never know how they are going to turn out. Once unleashed, they take on a life of their own, and more often than not, they end up killing their inventors. A...
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