Arthur Sulberger Say NYT Will End Print…. What Now?
how long? Yesterday, in London at the WAN-IFRA conference, New York Times Chairman and CEO Arthur Sulzberger Jr. announced that “We will stop printing The New York Times sometime in the future, date TBD.” This is, of course, both...
Read moreHow ABC News Could Save Itself… and Journalism
David Westin, former President ABC News In 1989, at the height of the AIDS crisis, I went off to Uganda with a video camera in search of the ‘Index Case’ – the source of the worldwide AIDS pandemic. I...
Read moreWhen Still Photographers Go To Video
Minimata, Japan, by W. Eugene Smith Long before I started shooting video I shot stills. I had picked up the skills studying photographer at Williams College, in Williamstown, Mass., under the great Howie Levitz. When I graduated from Williams,...
Read moreStills to Video – A lot of potential…unrealized..
[youtube][/youtube] This is a video done by Ewen Spencer, a brilliant young British photographer. A lot of still photographers are moving into video with a mixed range of success and failure. Mostly failure. I found this video on The...
Read moreBook Burning
Oskar Werner, Julie Christie.. ahead of their time… until now.. maybe The opening credits for Francoise Truffaut’s film Fahrenheit 451 (based on the Ray Bradbury novel) are done in voice over. They are done that way because the film...
Read moreWhy SxSW is Wrong.. and so it a lot of the web
But I’m a vegetarian…… I was just over at, Jeff Jarvis’ blog – which is on my daily morning ‘must read’ list. I was astonished to read the opening sentence: Please vote for my session at South by...
Read moreU of Colorado J School Makes The Right Moves
I can’t seem to get online from here… I was in the class of 1983 at Columbia University’s Graduate School of Journalism. The MA program lasts only 9 months, so I started the school in the fall of 1982....
Read moreThis Is How It Starts
Hitler arrives at Nuremberg for rally 1933 – another very popular orator Normally I don’t write about politics here. But not today. I recently posted a note to Hoda Kotb from the Today Show. She had an item on...
Read moreThe Man Who Changed My Life Forever
Prof Robert L. Gaudino In 1972, I entered Williams College as a very sheltered 17-year old freshman. The extent of my world experience had been Long Island, New York, and now Williamstown. In my sophomore year, I took a...
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