How One of our TCA Grads Went on to Star in his Own Reality Show!
Tune in Mondays at 10! A few years ago we had a student in our of our New York bootcamps. He was from South Carolina – a former State Trooper who ran drug dogs. He had set up his...
Read moreHow NOT to Raise Money for an Indy film
First, make your video embeddable! OK So yesterday we had a discussion about how to make the world’s worst political commercial. (Incidentally, I emailed my comments to Terryl Clark’s campaign office. So far, no response. (I think she’s gonna...
Read moreHow NOT to Make A Political Ad
[youtube][/youtube] Unbelievably terrible I don’t want to get into politics here.. but… this ad for Tarryl Clark (did you even know it was for her) is one of the worst political ads I have ever seen. It is terribly...
Read moreHow To Win Friends, Influence People and Get Someone to Let You Shove a Camera In Their Face
The Real Housewives of Ngorogoro…. OK Hellboy raises a really good question in the Forum today: “Even if I learn to shoot and edit perfectly, I feel like my real sucess depends on how well I can interact...
Read more60 Minutes Fails to Deliver
[youtube][/youtube] Hello? Hello? Anyone home over there? Last week, 60 Minutes, the CBS News program initiated an interesting idea. Shoot a video, tell us what you think or what questions you have and we’ll air and answer them. Fair...
Read moreCBS News Fires Its Best Cameramen
Even a blind person can now see what is coming… Yesterday, CBS News fired most of its professional camera staff in its London bureau. From now on, stories will be shot by producers. This is not to say that...
Read moreWhy 60 Minutes is Great Television & Terrible Journalism
[youtube][/youtube] Chris Kohatsu tweeted me the other day. 60 Minutes was posting an invitation to people to question or respond to Lara Logan’s story on US forces in Afghanistan. As I had previously tweeted that Logan’s story was terrible,...
Read moreInto Thin Air
What happened? Next month, assuming nothing else goes wrong, The 2010 Commonwealth Games will kick off in Delhi. The Commonwealth Games are sort of the Olympics for the members of the British Commonwealth, which is what is left of...
Read moreWe Launch JLTV Film Academy
Sign up now! A few years ago we launched The Travel Channel Academy in partnership with The Travel Channel. It was a resounding success. We trained several thousand people and in the end fielded a trained army of content...
Read moreA Rant on Education in America
[youtube][/youtube] For most US students, this is a documentary….courtesy, Neil Silberman – All this week it is “Education Week” on NBC News. Not that that will so much to change the way Americans educate their young. When it was...
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