Charles Kuralt Taught Me How To Narrate A Piece
[youtube][/youtube] It’s old, but there are still lessons to be learnt There has been a lot of discussion here of late about narration. How to do it best. I learned how to narrate a piece from Charles Kuralt, who...
Read moreHans Rosling Marries Statistics to Video
[youtube][/youtube] People often ask “OK – I can see video for a dying dog or a kid with AIDS, but how do you handle non visual things like economics stories or statistics? Here, Swedish economist Hans Roslings and BBC4...
Read moreForget The “Establishing Shot”
[youtube][/youtube] Now do you know where it is? When we run the face to face bootcamps we do a kind of parlor trick that proves an important point for filmmakers. We pretend we are going to shoot a story...
Read moreWitness To A Disaster
[youtube][/youtube] Even if you do speak French, these are hard to watch OK Witness is a wonderful organization Let me get that out of the way up front. I have met with them a few times over the years,...
Read moreOxford Health Care is Screwing Me
I am currently in perfect health. I have no pre-existing conditions. I have never had a major health problem, or hardly a minor one for that matter. My only current health issue is reflux. Probably from tension. So I...
Read moreToward a Very Different Economy
To do this you needed money Niall Ferguson has written a very interesting book, The Ascent of Money. Reading it made me wonder if perhaps we are not now entering a transitive phase in the value of money. This...
Read moreSpecial Thanksgiving Thanks to Zack Wilson
Webmaster and sensai As you have probably noticed, we have suffered our worst ‘hack attack’ since we started this. I don’t know by whom… But I know that Zack Wilson, our online genius spent the entire Thanksgiving vacation solving...
Read moreWe Train The UN To Tell Their Own Stories to the World
From here off to Kisangani This week we are with the United Nations in Geneva. Or more specifically with UNHCR, or the UN High Commisioner on Refugees. That’s the branch of the UN that deals with refugee crises all...
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