To The Moon…
Flying Ace Roland Garros Crosses The Mediterranean in only 8 hours! Last week, NASA finally launched its Artemis rocket headed for the moon. This mission was unmanned, but if all goes according to plan, NASA expects to put...
Read moreWhen Nazis Marched in Skokie
Photo courtesy Kslewellen via Wiki Commons I have recently begun to pay attention to Twitter. For years, I ignored it, putting most of my efforts into Facebook, but Alicia Brooks, my literary agent strongly suggested that I become a...
Read moreThe Royal Family, Racism and Twitter – #RacistRoyalFamily
In the process of writing my new book, THE RISE OF THE MEDIAVERSE, I have been reading Susan Sontag’s excellent tome, On Photography. It’s an analysis of the impact of the invention of photography on society, but what Sontag...
Read moreMy Very Brief Career As A Hollywood Screenwriter
Hooray for Hollywood! The story of my first almost motion picture with a major studio: In 1990, I was working on my first TV station in the United States, Time/Warner’s NY1. Instead of using conventional crews, the whole 24-hour...
Read moreIf You Want To Write…..The Best Advice for the Aspiring Writer
photo courtesy Peter Lindberg When I was 21 years old, having just graduated from college, I set off on an adventure. I went overland across Central Asia, from London to Kathmandu. Today, you probably could not do the...
Read moreElon, Twitter and a Free Press
In a moment of pure impulse, Elon Musk, the richest man in the world, said he would buy Twitter. A few days later, he thought better of his offer, an eye-watering $44 billion, and tried to rescind it. Too...
Read moreElon Musk, Twitter & The Wild Ride
In a moment of pure impulse, Elon Musk, the richest man in the world, said he would buy Twitter. A few days later, he thought better of his offer, an eye-watering $44 billion, and tried to rescind it....
Read moreWhy Elon Musk Is Like Thomas Edison (when it comes to Twitter)
So, billionaire industrial genius Elon Musk buys Twitter and immediately, 75% of the staff resign. What happened? Musk was brilliant at building real stuff – SpaceX – space ships that worked – watching the boosters land on their own...
Read moreIt’s The Mediaverse, not the Metaverse
There is an old expression that says, ‘it is easier to invent the future than to predict it’. Mark Zuckerberg appears about to prove this aphorism false. After pouring tens of billions into the Metaverse and pivoting the once...
Read moreHow To Make Millions With A 99% Failure Rate
Many years ago, when I was just getting started, I landed The Voice of America as a client. The VOA was then a US Government owned short wave radio network. The State Department wanted to turn it into...
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