Should You Pay People To Be In Your Documentary?
I have been in the midst of a multi-person discussion this week with about a dozen people I never met. It’s taking place on the Film and TV Professionals site on Linked In. Actually, although I always accept Linked...
Read moreHow Newspapers Can Make Real Money In The Video Business
The sweet solution to the Newspapers’ problem… Yesterday, we reported that newspapers are now making a big move into the world of video. Good for them. Not that they haven’t been there before. But there is potential.. if…. If...
Read moreNewspapers Embrace Video In A Big Way
In 1994, Punch Sulzberger, the owner and publisher of The New York Times bought my company, Video News International. It became New York Times TV, and for two years I served as President of NY Times TV. The idea...
Read moreWhy You Already Know How To Make Great Video and TV
In his best-selling book, OUTLIERS, Malcolm Gladwell laid out what he called this “10,000 Hour Rule” According to Gladwell, success in any field is a function of spending 10,000 hours practicing to get it right. Gladwell makes a pretty...
Read moreAnd Now… Hasselblad TV
Hasselblad TV Last year, Lisa bought me a digital Hasselblad for my birthday. These are the Rolls Royces of stills cameras. And they cost nearly as much. Sometimes, when I am out shooting with the Hasselblad, people will ask...
Read moreAn NYVS Success Story
TOM HOLMES is an NYVS member. He also publishes a magazine called Encore. It’s like Playbill, but better, says Tom. Like all magazine publishers, Tom understood that he has to get into video for his website and his business so...
Read moreHow Video Changed One Man’s Life
As you know I am writing a book “iPhone Millionaire – Six Weeks To Change Your Life” The final draft has to be with my editor in two weeks, so I am crashing to a close. As part of...
Read moreWhy Networks Are Finished
The confluence of two piece up in today’s blogosphere drives home the point of why conventional network television is deader than a doornail. First, a fascinating blog on Empire Avenue. Blogger Ric Williams went to CES and attended a...
Read moreReuters Launches Reuters TV and Does Not Get It
Don’t get it… Yesterday, Pat Younge, Chief Creative Officer at The BBC sent me a link to a Neiman Report from the highly respected Neiman Journalism Lab. It was all about Reuters TV. Reuters, the global news service is launching...
Read more5Takes 2.0?
An Hour Well Spent… Sometime around 2004 we went to see Pat Younge. Today, he’s the Chief Creative Officer at The BBC, but then he had just been made the President of the Travel Channel. “Congratulations and condolences”, we...
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