iPhone Millionaire Goes on Presale at Amazon
It’s finally here… almost… The book that can change your life (or mine at least). iPhone Milionaire: Six Weeks To Change Your Life Learn how you can use the video functions on your iPhone to take control of your...
Read moreAn Apple A Day.. or more..
I was up at 5:30 this morning to be online for a two-hour live panel discussion on The Guardian’s website. The topic was “The Journalist of Tomorrow”, and the question was ‘what kind of tools and what kind of skills’...
Read moreWelcome to the World of the Viewser
I was going to post a blog this morning coining a new word: Viewser I was hoping for a place in the entymology Hall of Fame (or is that bugs?) But a quick trip to Google showed me that someone...
Read moreRIP Mike Wallace – And Not A Moment Too Soon
CBS newsman Mike Wallace died this week at the age of 93. The airwaves and much of the blogosphere was filled with eulogies extolling his greatness as a ‘journalist’. I beg to differ. Wallace was certainly great in that...
Read moreReport from The NAB
We are just back from a week in Las Vegas at the NAB. NAB stands for National Association of Broadcasters – and it’s their big annual trade and equipment show. The Convention Center in Las Vegas is filled with...
Read moreAs Goes Kodak So Goes SONY?
Hard to believe. Hard to believe but true. Sony, the company that brought us The Walkman, The Trinitron, Betacams and a whole lot of other great stuff could be on its way out… of business. An article in today’s...
Read moreThe BBC Is Looking For a New Head. I’m Up For the Job
The BBC is looking for a new DIrector General. That is, the guy who runs the whole place. How do I know they’re looking for a new head? Â They posted an ad on their website. I briefly gave thought...
Read moreInstagram 1 Billion, Kodak 0
photo courtesy Keith Kay, Facebook Yesterday, Facebook bought Instagram, a company that was founded a little more than a year ago, has 20 employees and no income, for $1 billion. Admittedly, a billion dollars isn’t what is used to...
Read moreStephanie Najor
Stephanie Najor RosenblumTV/Guardian Media Academy Video Training
Read moreSergio Destino
Sergio Destino RosenblumTV/Guardian Media Academy Video Training
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