The 500 Year Media Storm – What Happens Now?
That’s all there is…. This is the Monastery at Dale Abbey in England. Or at least all that’s left of it. Monasteries were big business in the 15th Century, at least until Henry VIII got hold of them. When...
Read moreAmateur iPhone Video Sells Hats – and more
This is the way to sell hats! The video above was shot and produced entirely on an iPhone. And not even by a ‘professional’. It was made by Guy Hills  to help sell his invention – The Hanky Hat....
Read moreThis is NOT ‘Backpack Journalism’
My old friend Jim Long posted this photo on his facebook page today. Jim is the consumate professional cameraman. He’s with NBC, and must be their best guy as he’s always on a plane, with the President in China or...
Read moreThe Knowledge – Shooting a London Video Story
The knowledge We’re running our 4-day video bootcamp here in London in partnership with The Guardian. Yesterday, former GMA student Daniel Houghton stopped by to say hello. He was in London on other business. Above is the piece that...
Read moreGuardian Media Academy in London – day 2
We’re here in London running the Guardian Media Academy course! Having left 85 degree weather in NY, the cold, wind and rain of England was something of a surprise, but did not dampen (local news joke), the enthusiasm of...
Read moreGuardian Media Academy Starts Tuesday in London – still time!
Close up on the hands! OK We are back in England this morning. Cold. Rainy Wet Windy Yes, it’s the last day of summer here in the UK. Â But! Â The Met office promises better weather next week. And that’s...
Read moreThe Moment When The World of TV News Changed Forever
It’s all over the media and it could possibly spell the end of Romney’s run for the Presidency. A home-made video, shot on a phone. When we look back on this moment 10 years from now or so, I...
Read moreThe iPad As The Digital Tool for the 21st Century
Reprinted entirely from MediaLab/PBS and The Knight Foundation How to Ditch Big Cameras And Make Films (and Edit Them) with an iPad by Jon Vidar (Bio), September 7, 2012 Tagged: community, filmmaking, ipad, storiesfrom, time-lapse video,tiziano project, tripod, video The Tiziano Project recently launched our new platform...
Read moreWhen Twitter Drives The Plot
About a million years ago (in 2004, I think), we started to produce a new show for The Travel Channel. It was based on what was then a very radical idea – very. Using ‘the Internet’, we would allow...
Read moreLook Me In The Eye When You Say That
This comes to me from @veryfewwords, and many thanks Someone spent a lot (or relatively) of time and money making this video. But it just goes to show you how little things make a big difference. I don’t know...
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