Downton Abbey – An American Perspective
In December we went to England to spend Christmas with the English side of the family. The visit coincided with ITV’s airing of the Downton Abbey Christmas Special. The British side of the family gathered around the ‘telly’....
Read moreAnd now… The Joe Biden Show!
Like the Romans said: Bread and circus for the masses.  But where’s the bread? Every once in a while you read a book that changes your life. That book, for me, was Amusing Ourselves To Death by Neil Postman. Published...
Read moreTime Magazine and Instagram Today / HBO and iPhone Tomorrow?
This was how Time Magazine covered Hurricane Sandy on its cover on its Nov. 1 issue.The photo, which is pretty impressive, came from Instagram. For more details on this, see a very good piece on why this was done,...
Read moreiPhone Millionaire – Live in London
If you haven’t bought the book yet… it’s not too late! This is what people are writing about it on “I didn’t know anything about how to shoot videos or about the video business before I read this...
Read morePlenty of Room at the Top
Lisa and I have been on vacation since Christmas. We’re in the Turks and Caicos, doing nothing (much), but this has given me a chance to catch up on my reading.. and to think about video and where it...
Read moreNew Year – New Career
OK It’s the New Year So before those ‘resolutions’ get old, you can actually act on one that will change your life. You’ve probably been thinking about getting serious about your video career. Well, now is the time. And...
Read more600 Pound Mom Goes to Paris – and other travel video no no’s
My father died on Christmas Eve, three years ago. Among the things he left behind was a lifelong collection of color slides. Â He had a 35mm Kodak camera he had picked up after WW2 and used it all his...
Read moreThe Price of Progress?
New technologies often have unintended consequences. People think that they can control new technologies, but in fact, once released, it is technologies that control people. Oddly enough. When the automobile was invented, it was clearly a much better way...
Read moreNewsweek – A Mass Extinction Begins
A rare fossil find. Proof it once walked the earth. There have been five mass extinctions in the history of the earth: Â The Permian, about 298 milion years ago, when 90% of all life on the planet was wiped...
Read moreThe Sound of Silence on Thanksgiving Day
When my father died a few years ago, I inhereted his massive collection of 35mm slides.From 1952 until the mid 1970s, he, like most people of that era, had recorded the significant events in our lives – trips, birthday...
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