No News Today — or tomorrow for that matter.
For most of human history, people lived in a world without news. The concept simply did not exist. The idea of news is really a 19th-century phenomenon, driven first by newspapers, and then by electronic media which brought us...
Read moreWhat TV News Could Be
When Gutenberg invented the printing press in 1450, he printed a bible. He printed a bible because that was the only model that the world had of what a book was supposed to look like. Gutenberg could have printed...
Read moreWhat Is News? What Should it Be?
This morning, The Washington Post ran an article explaining Sinclair Broadcasting’s approach to local news. Their focus, by mandate from their Chairman David Smith, is to focus on crime, homelessness, illegal drug use, and other societal ills. Sinclair annually polls...
Read moreHow To Save TV News & Why It’s Essential
You may not be aware of it, but the Earth is actually flat. No one ever landed on the moon. The whole moon landing was part of a massive hoax perpetrated by NASA. Zionists apparently control the entire US...
Read moreAI and Journalism — The Real Danger
Artificial Intelligence represents an enormous threat to society in general and journalism in particular, but not in the way that you imagine. Deeply influenced by our addiction to movies and video, we perceive the threat of AI through the...
Read moreWhy iPhones Change TV News
Listen: “I think there is a world market for maybe 5 computers” -Thomas J. Watson, Chairman, IBM. 1943 Before computers came along, Thomas J. Watson...
Read moreDesigning The News
Listen: I have been reading Walter Isaacson’s new bio of Elon Musk. It’s a fascinating read, and it has given me lots of ideas about the TV news business. Musk, as anyone knows, even without reading the...
Read morePrint is Dead: Local News Does Not Have to Be
Listen: In the past 10 years, more than 2,000 newspapers across the US have closed, most of them local. This is a very serious problem, because a democracy requires a well informed and well-educated public, and newspapers, particularly...
Read moreThe Power of the Typewriter… for Video
Listen: Several years ago, Lisa bought me an old manual typewriter. It turned out to be a very powerful tool for making video. It’s an Underwood, built in 1912, the same year as the Titanic, but unlike the...
Read moreABC News Misses an Opportunity
Listen: Stephanie Stokes, a journalist at the Time-Picayune newspaper in New Orleans, sent me the following clipping: Under pressure to cut costs, ABC News has “resorted to using iPhone for shooting some stories.” (Italics my own). Resorted...
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