Who Needs Zombies?
The Dead Sea Yesterday, we caught the 7:40AM flight from Newark to Heathrow on Virgin Atlantic. This meant getting up at 4:00AM to be able to make the flight. I don’t mind getting up early, so I was in...
Read moreThe Carnival of Journalism Returns
For a while, Dave Cohn was running a wiki called Carnival of Journalism, in which participants were invited to user their blogs to comment on a specific subject each month. Around April of last year, like most things on...
Read moreWho Killed William McKinley?
The news that rocked the nation It is only now 112 years since President WIlliam McKinley was assassinated in Buffalo New York, but the event still captures the imagination of all Americans. Was there a conspiracy? Was there a...
Read moreMy Letter to Charlie Rose about JFK
My note to Charlie Rose today:Charlie I see you doing tons of stuff on JFK’s assassination as you lead up to November 22nd. Here’s a footnote to history of which you should be aware. I was, many years ago, a producer...
Read moreWhy Anyone Can Make Great Films and Video Right Now
I have been drawn into a conversation on LinkedIn about film and video. The group is called Film and Television Professionals and the specfic discussion that caught my eye was: “Now that Digital video cameras are affordable and take such good...
Read moreIs The Media Universe Headed to A Cold Death?
And that pretty much explains it all… There is a reaons I dropped out of Advanced Physics. Like most people in the media business, anything vaguely mathematical makes MEGO (My Eyes Glaze Over). The formual above is The Second...
Read moreMy Memories of My Life in Auschwitz – courtesy of Wikipedia
Well, there goes the whole theory of ‘crowd sourcing’. I don’t have much of a Wikipedia entry (feel free to add to it if you like – everyone else does).. but for several years it has been the focus...
Read moreNew Moneymaking Opportunities in Online Video
It’s a whole new world for moneymaking in the world of online video. We are at the dawning of a new age – Cable networks are worried. And Netflix is only the leading edge – they show what could...
Read moreOur Increasingly Shortened Attentio…. #BORING #sorry
Cody Johns on VINE NOW THIS NEWS, the one year old online news service, potential heir to the New York Times or NBC Nightly News, except entirely online announced this week that it has hired Cody Johns as...
Read moreWhy The Middle Class Is Getting Massacred
I am reading the excellent “Wilson” by A. Scott Berg, the definitive biography of President Woodrow Wilson. Wilson was in many ways the first ‘modern’ President – first press conferences, first to visit Europe, a lover of golf, movies...
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