First Google Glass Master Class at Guardian
More than 70 people turned out to see ‘Glass’ LONDON: Last night we ran the first Google Glass Master Class with The Guardian newspaper in London, at their offices. Glass, for those who are not yet familiar with it,...
Read moreSeeing The World Through Glass
Next week I am going to give a series of seminars on Google Glass in London. (Feel free to attend!) In order to get ready for this, I have been wearing (using?) Glass for the past two months. It...
Read moreRTE Raises the iPhone Bar
@philipbromwell shoots and astonishing broadcast piece with an iPhone for RTE/Ireland @GlenBMulcahy has always been on the cutting edge of the use of new technologies for broadcast and journalism, but now he takes RTE to an entirely new level...
Read moreNow It’s All iPhone All The Time
Dublin Dockers by Philip Bromwell, RTE/Ireland There is no question that the iPhone is a real game-changer for video – and apparently for television. We have done an increasing number of video trainings with iPhones only – most recently...
Read moreNow Produce from Anywhere and Everywhere
Skyping with Francisco in Ethiopia When I was a producer for CBS Sunday Morning (a million years ago), I lived on an airplane. If you wanted to produce TV shows, you had to go to the place they...
Read moreLessons from
I am reading The Everything Store by Brad Stone, the definitive biography of both Jeff Bezos and You can’t separate the two. Stone has done a masterful job of portraying Bezos and what makes him so successful....
Read moreGoogle Glass – The Seminar (in London)
A few months ago, we were fortunate enough to be able to get our hands on one of the first pair of Google Glass. They were released in limited numbers, mostly to web developers, as part of the...
Read moreGoogle Glass
Resistance is Futile Google Glass. I have now been using these for two days. It’s a base-line game changer. Like iPhones or PCs, Glass is going to change pretty much everything. Some people call this ‘wearable’ computing, but after...
Read moreWatching The Future of TV News in London
iPhones all around There was a pretty funny announcement this morning from Marissa Mayer, CEO of Yahoo: “News is definitely a daily habit for our users,” said Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer, “and Katie will work with our talented editorial team...
Read moreDay 4 at The Guardian Media Academy – London
Copyright Michael Rosenblum 2013
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