CBS is Just Pathetic… PATHETIC!
CBS News announced with great fanfare that their correspondent Margaret Brennan (above) had “Produced, shot and reported live from Baghdad!” Here’s the story from Media Bistro: On her iPad!!! Amazing!! What an achievement!!! The video is… in a word…...
Read moreTaking Country Music Photography into Video
Guthrie Trapp in Video There is nothing I like better than a chance to work with some of the world’s greatest still photographers and take them into video. This week, I was priviledged to work 1 on 1 with...
Read moreGuy Stuck Alone In Airport Remakes Entire Celine Dion Music Video, Has A Great Time
The Huffington Post | By Ryan Grenoble Posted on June 18th, by Michael Rosenblum in iPhone Video. No Comments The Huffington Post | By Ryan Grenoble The next time you find yourself alone in an airport, take a page out...
Read moreWe Take The Daily Telegraph Into The World of iPhone Video
The Daily Telegraph is one of Britains foremost newspapers. The paper was founded in 1855, and has been the voice of conservative Britain ever since. Highly respected both in the UK and worldwide, the Telegraph is now moving into...
Read moreCreation Nation
Today, we are all creationists. Not in the sense that you might think. Not in the way that they think of this in South Carolina. We are all creationsists now, or soon will be, becasue we are all in...
Read moreElizabeth Piccoli – RIP
In her apartment in Milan… I was a very neurotic teenager. Very. I spent years in ‘therapy’ with a string of psychiatrists. I was also an ‘A’ student at Williams College. So when I graduated from Williams, I won...
Read moreWhat Would Facebook Look Like on Oculus?
It seems to be over here…. I just got my Oculus Developer’s Kit… Between this and Google Glass, I am having a busy time with the new and explosive world of ‘wearable tech’. Clearly this is going to happen.....
Read moreLook Me In The Eye When You Say That
The videos above were produced for the GOP. I think the idea was to make the GOP more attractive to ‘young voters’. I don’t know if they work or not, but I can tell the GOP one thing that...
Read moreA New Kind of Magazine Journalist
Last week, I found myself at The Oval, in London. As an American, I had no idea what “The Oval” was, but as soon as I told the taxi driver he knew. “Cricket!” he said. For me, “cricket” goes...
Read moreThe Power of Storytelling
There is no point in taking all the time and effort required to find, shoot, script and edit a video piece if in the end no one wants to watch it. You may start with a great opening shot,...
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