How to Save Newspapers & Magazines
Print organizations like newspapers and magazines are magnets for creative people who have a passion for telling stories. They didn’t go to work for the paper of the magazine because they thought it was a good way to...
Read more13 Editing Techniques and When to Use Them
When you are editing a video you have many options in the way you present your video. The length of clips, the order, any effects or music, and the way you transition from one clip to another. At its...
Read moreRolling Stone – For Sale & Pivoting To Video
Rolling Stone, that iconic magzine for anyone who has any interest in music, or grew up in the 60s or 70s or 80s… is both 50 years old and for sale. A piece in this month’s Vanity Fair pretty much...
Read moreWant to make a TV series? Keep These 5 Principles in Mind
Do you want to produce a series for TV or the Internet? The time has never been better to produce your own series. There are thousands of cable channels around the world that are starving for content, in addition...
Read moreGoogle Announces New Pixel 2 Smartphone
Last month it was Apple’s iPhone X, this month it’s the Pixel 2. Google unveiled their new smartphone model, the Pixel 2, at their event this week and like its predicessor it looks to be a formidable cometator to...
Read moreIs Journalism Elitist?
I am reading Bob Schieffer’s new book “Overload: Finding The Truth in Today’s Deluge of News“. Schieffer is the ‘journalist emeritus’ at CBS News, having anchored Face The Nation for years, and is now a regular on CBS This...
Read moreAl Gore, Anthony Scaramucci & Me
I read in today’s NY Times that Anthony Scaramucci, the one time (for a short time) White House Communications Director (a job that lasted only 11 days), is launching his own media company – ScaramucciPost. The problem was, as the...
Read moreWould You Buy A Used Car From This Man?
Alan Watts (1915-1973) was a British philosopher, writer and speaker; an exponent of Zen Buddhism and Eastern Philosophy. He is hardly the kind of person you would turn to to sell cars. But that is exactly what Forsman &...
Read moreWhat to Expect When Trying to Sell a TV Show
Last night, Pat Younge, former head of The Travel Channel, former Chief Creative Officer at The BBC dropped by for dinner. Since we had him as a kind of captive, we got him to answer a few basic questions on...
Read moreThe 40-Minute Film School
On October 12th, I am going to engage in an interesting experiment. I am going to teach a room full of people to be what I would call ‘video literate’ and do it in 40 minutes. (I may run...
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