Listen Up!
Jack Hitt…. A real journalist….. Congratulations to my old friend Jack Hitt who just won a Peabody for his story on “Gitmo” on This American Life. He and I both went to Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism (’83),...
Read more5Takes – Season 4
No time for photos… we’re on a very tight schedule… A REVOLUTION IN A LAPTOP Two years ago, we engaged in a small experiment in television production. We wanted to send 5 young Americans to Europe for the summer...
Read moreOne Small Step
“what else is on?” On July 21, 1969, man landed on the moon. It was an incredible achivement in human history. And the moment was televised for the entire planet to see. A short three years later, man left...
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‘and thou shalt have one person with a camera…’ In 2000, following a speech I gave at Newsworld in Barcelona, The BBC invited me to come to the UK to talk about my ‘VJ in the Newsroom’ concept. Following...
Can you make it more like South Park? Television, despite all the billions of human labor hours that have been spent making stuff (and that is what TV is all about, making stuff..just like painting or sculpture), has produced...
Read moreHyperlocal News
Yesterday, we held a press conference in Washington, DC to announce the launch of FiOS1, Verizon’s first local TV news and community information channel. We are fortunate to be partners with Verizon in this very exciting project, and now...
Read moreAdvice to Students
With real writer Mark Bittman, food critic for the NY Times – trying to design a TV show – hello…. Food Network? Are you listening? When I was 2o years old, I dreamed of being a writer. So I...
Read moreDead Man Talking
Hello? eBay? Thomas Edison was an entrepreneur. When he invented the phonograph in 1877 he also incorporated the Edison Speaking Phonograph Company. The idea was to sell phonographs – something which had never existed before. To create demand and...
Read moreFrom The Guardian: Newspapers to Video
Michael Rosenblum is a former New York Times executive whose consultancy practice now provides training in video journalism all over the world for clients including the BBC. “Newspapers are very well placed to take advantage of web video –...
Read moreThe Unforseen Consequences of Innovation
Youtube started with him. When Gutenberg invented the printing press in 1452, he was hoping for a quick kill. He was deep in debt and his idea was to print bibles faster and cheaper than Monks could write them...
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