TVNEWSDAY FOCUS ON JOURNALISM VIDEO JOURNALISM TAKES ROOT IN LOCAL TV NEWS TVNEWSDAY, Aug. 8, 8:08 AM ET The idea of replacing or at least supplementing news crews with reporter-photographers is finding some adherents among broadcasters who are trying...
Read moreGood Morning America
“We’ll be back with sports and weather after this….” Yesterday, we were talking about Videovolunteers and the idea of empowering local people with cameras, edits and training. This reminded me of a story. Stick with it, it has an...
Read moreVideo Volunteers
What is an education worth? Our friend from Fox News writes to ask what is the value of a short training course in video. “How much money can I make from it”? he wants to know.
Read moreSanctuary!!!
`’I learned to shoot at the Travel Channel Academy….why?…” Writer Dan Trigoboff, whom I was on the phone with this evening doing an interview for TVNewsday, draws my attention instead to the second chapter of The Hunchback of Notre...
Read morePieces from The Academy
Here are three pieces produced from the most recent Travel Channel Academies. More will follow.
Read moreThe Information "Explosion"
This just in…… Several years ago I was invited to take over a course at New York University. The man teaching it, Ed Diamond, had died just a few days before school was to start.
Read moreNetworked News
“…. can anyone help me?” New technologies often precipitate a completely new way of looking at the world. It is not only jobs or industries that are overturned, but often what were once assumed to be basic rules of...
Read moreAcademy 3 Graduates
The Class of July 29, 2007 Yesterday we graduated our third Travel Academy class at Discovery HQ in Silver Spring, Md.
Read moreTravel Channel Academy 3
Travel Channel Pres Pat Younge with Student Sylvia Bahr Day 3 at the Travel Channel Academy here at Discovery HQ in Silver Spring, Md.
Read moreWhat is News? What Could It Be?
all the news that fits we print…. What is news? The first newspaper was printed in Germany in 1608, some 150 years after the invention of the printing press. Its format, for the most part, has not changed since....
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