The Chosen
This just in….. Television did not appear as a gift from God. The Lord did not appear before Sarnoff, Paley and Goldensohn in the form of a burning bush and select them to carry His word forth. No one...
Read moreHow The Mighty Have Fallen
Toy who da? Yesterday, The Telegraph reported that the Ford Motor Company is declaring losses of $8.7 billion for the quarter. $8.7 billion On the same day, Toyota passed GM as the number one auto maker in the world....
Read moreIt Isn’t News To Me
Francisco is one of my favorite VJs. Uniquely talented as shooter, editor, writer and producer, he almost defines the term. I met him entirely by accident. I was producing the first season of 5Takes and we have about a...
Read moreLedger Live – Starts Monday
Beyond empowering the photogs and reporters at The Star Ledger with video cameras so that they can embed their videos on the website, we are also going to do a daily ‘live from the newsroom’ report. The newsroom seems...
Read morePutting the VJs and ‘news’ issue to rest
In the beginning it was VJs can’t produce quality. Now that is no longer an issue. Now it is OK. VJs are good for features, but when it comes to ‘real news’, (whatever that means) you still need crews....
Read moreIt Hits The Fan
The New York Times today reported that their second-quarter profits fell 82 per cent to $21m, or 15 cents per share, compared with the same period a year ago. 82 percent. The paper also suffered a 16.4% decline in...
Read moreExtra! Read all about it..
Newspapers are pretty easy to understand. At least, the way they gather the news. If you have ever worked at a newspaper you understand immediately how it works. “Here’s the pencil. There’s the door. See you at 6.” It’s...
Read moreThe News From China
Time to start the coverage….. The summer deluge of coverage of the Beijing Olympics is scheduled to start soon, and the networks are poised to spend tens of millions, if not more, on getting the China story into our...
Read moreThe Morning After
Until you learned to read and write, this thing was utterly worthless…. In the past two weeks, we have trained 80 people as new videojournalists, plus the folks at McGraw Hill and the folks at the Star Ledger we...
Read moreMonsters From the Id
OK, Robbie. Just point the camera and hit the record button… It’s easy… FORBIDDEN PLANET is probably my favorite movie. (Dr. Strangelove is a close second). But you can’t beat Forbidden Planet for plot. Made in 1956 in an...
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