The Hamas Show
The juxtaposition of two seemingly very disparate articles in the newspaper this morning provide a window into where the whole TV news business is headed.
Read moreObsolesence
Hello? When I was 5 years old we had a phone like the one pictured above. Like everyone else, we didn’t own it, we leased it from Bell Telephone. By the time I left home at 18 to go to college, it...
Read moreOutside The Box
Henri IV, King of France was one of the seminal figures in French history. Though King of France and a very accomplished and powerful and successful ruler, Henri was functionally illiterate.
Read moreA Touch of Class
Reunion 2008 I graduated from the Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism in 1983. That is a long time ago. So long ago, that we recently celebrated our 25th anniversary. Hard to believe. We had a party (above) at...
Read moreMy Own TV Show
David Besemer was a student at the Travel Channel Academy in Santa Barbara last year. He produced one of the better videos, a profile of a small marina ferry and its captain. I had no idea when he took the course...
Read moreBy What Right
New technologies not only obviate old jobs and careers, they also challenge and often undermine old laws. Like copyright.
Read moreThe G Spot
We just got off the phone with the Minister for Information for a small but never-the-less important country. We will be going there in a few weeks to start a project to make the country 'video active'.
Read moreGood Enough
I spent most of the day trying to work on my book, but its hard to maintain focus and my mind drifted. As the aphorism goes, "idle hands are the devil's workshop".
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