One Small Step
The future was calling… The J. J. Abrams “Star Trek” (the movie) is due for release May 8th, but it’s already getting rave reviews. It is hard to believe, but it is now 43 years since the first Star...
Read moreTechnological Revolutions
The Macbook Pro of its day Going to England always gives me food for thought. How was it possible that this little island came to rule a quarter of the planet and become for 200 years the technological, military,...
Read moreColumbia Media School
On the other hand…. In 1983 I graduated from the Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism. The emphasis was on the journalism. With a capital J. Any discussion of ‘business’ was deemed a dirty word, somehow infecting the ‘purity’...
Read moreObama 1, Media 0
It worked for him…. Question: What has Barack Obama got that most journalists don’t? Answer: A job. Obama and his team understood how to use the web to build a massive online ‘affinity group’ to both raise money and...
Read moreMedia Ecology
Take what you want….it’s free… There is a certain irony in Thomas Friedman’s New York Times column yesterday. Friedman was writing about Costa Rica’s new Minister for the Environment, who is also responsible for energy, mining and so on....
Read moreThe Bill Gates Solution
Criminal Behavior? In 1976, the Homebrew Computer Club was the nexus of software development in the Seattle area. Homebrew was the home of software enthusiasts Bill Gates and Steve Wozniak, among others. The theme of Homebrew was ‘give help...
Read moreHouse Swap
Just like the East River… sort of… About a year ago, I registered with an outfit called You register your house and then you can swap it with someone else, who lives somewhere you want to go. Well,...
Read moreThinking Inside the Box
It was there in front of us all along As newspapers desperately grapple to save themselves, their salvation (and the salvation of local TV news as well ) may right in front of them. Newspapers are machines for gathering...
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