Does Twitter Lead to a Monoculture?
Under the skin, all exactly the same… Yet another new piece of software for Twitter, this one called Twittertrends, now allows everyone to see what top ten topics everyone else is twittering about at any given moment. As Techcrunch...
Read moreI Am Mister Ed
You never heard of a talking horse? I used to teach a course at NYU called “Television and the Information Explosion”. I didn’t invent the name of the course, I just inherited it. It was a stupid name, and...
Read moreYour Unemployed Future
Once I had a newspaper, made it run….. As a graduate of the Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism (’83) I watch with a mixture of incredulity and sadness as legions of my classmates and alumni hit the streets...
Read moreWhen 35mm and Video Meet
Panasonic merges all the advantages of 35mm with video… I started my career as a still photographer. I liked working as a photojournalist. The gear was light weight and working by yourself gave you a chance to be both...
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[youtube][/youtube] Travel Channel Academy grad Cali Lewis on MSNBC About a year ago, Cali Lewis and her husband Neil showed up for the Travel Channel Academy class in Washington, DC. Like many of the folks who take the course,...
Read moreWhat Makes A Master of the Universe?
Masters of the Universe, ca. 1526…2008 The portrait above left is Sir Thomas More done by Hans Holbein the Younger around 1526. At the right, Steve Jobs. More was the Privy Counselor to King Henry VIII, the number two...
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Read moreUSA TODAY – Today
Enlarge By H. Darr Beiser, USA TODAY Hands-on training: Lisa Lambden, managing director of Rosenblum TV, helps student Violeta Balan figure out her rented camera. VIDEO ENROLL TO GET ROLLING The Travel Channel Academy convenes in Washington, New York...
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