Never Again
Thriller…. On Saturday’s Michael Jackson gabfest, ABC’s GMA opined that ‘we may never see the likes of Michael Jackson again’. Well, putting aside personal opinions about the quality of his music, they may in fact be right. They may...
Read moreHitler & Twitter
Ein Volk, Ein Reich, Ein Fuhrer…. (25) New technologies carry enormous power with them. Those who grasp what the new technologies mean, as opposed to applying them to old ways of working, will own the future. What we are...
Read moreCBS Local News Producer Shoots Story on iPhone
Gio Benitez Gio Benitez, a producer at CBS4, the local TV station in Doral, Florida, shot his entire local news story on his iPhone, then cut the piece on FCP on his laptop and delivered it for air. OK,...
Read moreKodachrome
Gives us the nice, bright colors… This week, the Kodak Company announced that it was going to discontinue the manufacture of Kodachrome film. For anyone under the age of 40, that announcement meant absolutely nothing. But for those of...
Read moreSpawn Journalism
Survival of the fittest Last night, BBC America ran a David Attenborough documentary on Darwin. You probably could not run this on an American network, as it did not give time to ‘intelligent design’, but for the UK it...
Read moreMany Voices
A digital mosaic of the world in real time We are a world whose parameters are set by technology, yet we are slow to respond. When the technology of communications allowed us only 3 television channels, all programs were...
Read moreAl Atwitter
tell me something…. I was on the Curtis Sliwa show on ABC Talkradio last night. The topic was Twitter and Iran. Of course, it’s easy and self-evident to say that web based programs like Twitter are driving part of...
Read moreMonk v. Ayatollah
Local author… Although Gutenberg invented the printing press in 1452, the true political impact of that technology was not really realized until 1517. It was then that Martin Luther (pictured above) a disgruntled Monk from Wittenberg, Germany, began to...
Read moreImmersive Journalism
The art surrounds you… I just got off the phone (if that is not too archaic a term) with Bucharest, Romania. I was the keynote speaker at the Romania Media Conference. They originally offered to fly me to Bucharest,...
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