Becket and Net Neutrality – Unbar The Door!
Unbar the door! Last night we stayed home and watched the movie Becket, with Richard Burton and Peter O’Toole. Great film. It’s a historical drama based on fact. Â Henry II, Norman King of England elevates his friend and drinking...
Read moreFrom TCA to CNN in One Step
[youtube][/youtube] Off to a VERY good start In September, artist Eric Afredo took the Travel Channel Academy course in NY. Although he lives in Scottsdale, Arizona, Eric says he wanted to move to NY to ’emmerse [myself] in the...
Read moreWhy Journalism Failed
The last bastion of Feudalism in the US If you went to Columbia University’s Graduate School of Journalism, the odds are you could just as easily have gone to Columbia University’s Law School instead. Had you gone there, however,...
Read moreA New Kind of Journalism
Net assets: 1.3 billion U.S. dollars When I went to Columbia University the great hero of broadcast journalism was Edward R Murrow. When I went to work at CBS, Murrow’s visage stared out at me in the lobby. Â At...
Read moreAn Epitaph for American Journalism
The Graduate School of Journalism today released its long-awaited report, The Reconstruction of American Journalism by Leonard Downie Jr., and Prof. Michael Schudson. You can read the whole thing here. It is, in a word, terrible. It is terrible because...
Read moreClose Down The Newsroom
Lisa reviews Nathasha’s piece without leaving home, and talks to her face-to-face. Among other things, we run three hyperlocal TV operations: one in DC, one on Long Island and one in New Jersey. Â Each one puts out original...
Read moreTV – It’s Now Officially Over
Big Brother UK – any time, any place Television as we knew it is now officially over. It’s only a matter of time. Channel 4, the UK commercial network has just signed a deal with Youtube to put up...
Read moreIs Nothing Sacred?
[youtube][/youtube] We just came back from running two Video Bootcamps, back-to-back in DC. One of the core lectures at the bootcamps is about rights and releases. We are fastidious about them. Personal appearance releases, location releases, music releases and...
Read moreGovernment Web Managers Takes the Course
This week we are running a video bootcamp for, the General Services Administration for the US Government. They pretty much keep the government running, and they believe that video literacy for government agencies is critical for the 21st...
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