Video literacy? really?
I don’t have any information here about Charlie Sheen.
If you want to read about Charlie Sheen, you can link here:
I’m an aggregator! I’m a curator of news!
That was easy.
The people who know much more than this tell me that this is called SEO, or Search Engine Optimization.
That is, search enginge, or bots or whatever they are, crawl through the web looking for key words when people search for a specific thing.
(I have high hopes for the Charlie Sheen Nude thing in the title).
We live in a world inundated with ‘information’ (to use the word loosely); and as a result, focus and getting people’s attention has become of optimum importance.
We are a culture built on ADD. (That would be Attention Deficit Disorder)
When it comes to video, this is no different.
Are you still with me? Haven’t drifted off yet?
You have probably sat through a bad movie to the very end. Maybe even Waterworld (which I think did not include scenes of Charlie Sheen Nude – but I could be wrong). No matter how boring the movie, you will generally stick it out to the end.
But when it comes to online video, you have probably rarely gotten to the end of a video that was longer than, say 1:30 without dropping out the second it got boring.
That’s technology for you.
40% of people drop out of a video in the first 10 seconds in fact.
Which means that no matter what came in the following 80 seconds or more – including – yes, Charlie Sheen Nude – they never got to see it.
So here’s the lesson for crafting online videos you want to be successful and watched by a lot of people.
Don’t save the ‘good stuff’ for later.
Because in the world of online video, there is no ‘later’ if no one sees it.
So start with your most powerful stuff. The most powerful stuff you have.
And my guess is that an ‘establishing shot’ to use and old and very archaic film term, is not going to hold anyone’s attention.
Even if you are establishing Charlie Sheen Nude.
(And how was that for Search Engine Otimization?