Really nicely shot
Long time VJ (and NYVS contributor) PFÂ Bentley lives on the Island of Molokai in the Hawaiian chain.
For those of you unfamiliar with Molokai, here’s a photo:
Who want’s to trade places with PF Bentley?
Hands down.
I said, Hands down.
Now, it turns out that some developers want to put wind turbines all over the Island.
(I don’t wanna get into this discussion here).
PF is opposed.
He didn’t move to Molokai to live next to a bunch of wind turbines.
He’s making a documentary film about the issue to try and raise awareness.
Think of this as An Inconvenient Truth, except that PF is not a former Vice President of the United States with limitless access to resources and money.
Other than that, exactly the same.
Sort of.
In any event, PF is trying to raise the funds on – the online crowd sourcing website.
He has only 18 days to go.
Can you help a brother out?
Personally, I like Kickstart.
Check it out.
And take a look at his rather stunning video.
I hear*, if you give enough money, he will invite you to spend a week at his house on this Island paradise.
*(This is just what I hear. I have no idea if it’s true or not)