Here is what a ‘professional’ TV video editing suite looks like.
It costs about $500,000.
It’s very complicated – and hard to move around.
We are here in Geneva this week at UN headquarters.
We’ve trained and equipped 25 UN public information officers to shoot and edit their own video and TV for air.
That makes us one of the biggest broadcast operations in Switzerland.
We don’t have any of these edit suites.
Here are ours:
Final Cut on a laptop is as powerful, if not more powerful than most of the edit suites currently in use by conventional broadcast operations.
Yet its cheaper, simpler and mobile.
When these people leave tomorrow, we’re going to add another 25 ‘camera crews’ and 25 ‘edit suites’ around the world to the UN’s information arsenal.
Why some stations such as NJN would rather go out of business rather than adopt this model is beyond me.