and now it begins…
Our Introduction to Final Cut Pro X on NYVS.Com
Final Cut Pro X has been nothing but controversial
Professionals across the blogosphere (and a few German dictators from the 1930s) have expressed their rising anger with Apple; not for creating FCPX, but rather for discontinuing FCP7. They see FCPX as iMovie Pro.
They may be right.
It might also be that FCPX is really all you need, at least for 95% of video online.
For me, the jury is still out.
The genius of Apple, since Lisa, has always been that they have simplified the complex.
At a time when MSDOS was still requiring a fair degree of computer literacy and when codes still were accessable at the bottom of WordStar, Apple introduced word processing software that was WYSIWYG and changed the world of computer user interface forever. (OK, some degree of credit here to Xerox Parc)
In any event, since the release of FCPX, Kelly has been slogging away over getting our instructional videos up and running, so here is the first.
I realize that wildfires out there are devastating neighborhoods, but IÂ really appreciate the fact that you kept at this – even if it meant that Tim had to keep spraying water on you so you could finish….
In any event, here’s our first move in what will doubtless be the long game for Apple and FCP. X 1.2 is no doubt already close to being shipped, just as soon as everyone finishes downloading 1.0