Prepping for the award…
Following lunch, the established media got a chance to react to the Google new media threat.
Ben Hammersly from Wired Magazine chaired the session, and was joined by Simon Bucks, from Sky news, Pat Loughrey from The BBC, Neil McIntosh, new head of Wall Street Journals, Europe; Guido Baumhauer from Deutsche Welle, Hans Laroes from NOS and Peter Vandermeersch from de Standard in Belgium.
The old guard made a spirited defense for quality and underscored the belief that they were aware of the problems and were facile enough to change fast enough not only to survive, but also to re-invent themselves in this new digital online world.
Right now, Richard Gizbert from Al Jazeera is leading a discussion entitled “I saw something amazing at DNA”. Its a showcase for new technologies. The one I like the best is from Infonomics and New Media Group – its a video editing system in which you edit by moving your hands over large chunks of video and pushing them around the room. Very tactile. No mouse. No screen. You are totally surrounded by the video. Very very cool!
Meanwhile, my 3 candidates for the 1-hour VJ conversion are out shooting their pieces. We’ll see. Maybe this is pushing it too far. Stand by…