First, many thanks to Buck over at for finding this. Nice research!
Austin likes to think of itself as ‘different’ from the rest of Texas.
And now, The Austin American-Statesman takes a giant step in moving from a paper to a digital information center.  They not only reprint articles from The New York Times and The Washington Post on a regular basis (hey, this is TEXAS!), but their websites, both the paper’s and their entertainment website, Austin360 are clean and heavy on blogging, video and citizen journalism.
As for their point about local TV news vs. newspapers…..
In my experience most local TV newsrooms start their day by scanning the paper for stories to cover. I have never seen a newspaper scan local TV news for what to cover that day.
Nino November 29, 2008
once an unemployed – always an unemployed
Cliff Etzel November 29, 2008
once a detractor – always a detractor.
Nino November 29, 2008
The other half of the conveniently untold story is that every newspapers have dozens TV sets playing national and local news 24/7