Photoshopped and corrected courtesy of PF Bentley ( Thanks!
Pat Younge, Pres and General Manager of the Travel Channel usually comes to the Travel Channel Academies to address the groups and talk about his vision for 1,000 TJs around the world creating content for the network.
Unfortunately, he is in London this week, but we were able to do an online video conference between the group here at the Bonaventure Westin Hotel in Los Angeles and his home in London.
For 90 uninterrupted minutes, participants in the TCA here in LA got to talk to the network President, as well as to pitch him show concepts.
As anyone in the business will tell you, it isn’t so easy to get a meeting with a network president. But Pat has been very aggressive in opening the tent door to folks with ideas who want to create content for the network.
It worked pretty well. But now everyone is back to editing their pieces.
We screen tomorrow at 3PM
Los Angeles time.
1 Comment
Reuben Reynoso November 12, 2007
Just wanted to say that I really got a lot from the course, and I appreciate the effort and advice you guys provided. It really was awesome how much improvement we all showed from day 1 to day 4. Looking forward to more courses and future collaborations.